What is World Environment Day?

Every year on June 5th, we celebrate World Environment Day- also known as Eco Day. Led by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), it is the most significant international environmental day. It is observed all around the world to raise awareness about the critical importance of protecting our mother nature. This month actually is pretty intense when it comes to eco days as we have also Ocean’s Day on June 8th and World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought on June 17th.

At Goshopia we are always looking for ways to raise awareness in a fun and entertained way. and this time we came up with a cool quiz to check how much you know about Mother Earth. Are you ready?

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World Environment’s History and Goal

The first global environment summit took place 50 years ago. It was held in Stockholm, Sweden, from the 5th to the 6th of June 1972. On the first day of the Stockholm Conference, the United Nations General Assembly on Human Environment founded United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

The following year, in 1973, the first World Environment Day is celebrated by UNEP. The organization describes the event as “a global platform for inspiring positive change.” Since then, it has become the world’s largest environmental convention, attracting millions of participants from over 150 nations. The goal is to involve “governments, businesses, civil society, schools, celebrities, cities, and communities in promoting environmental awareness and celebrating environmental action.”

What World’s Environment 2022 Theme?

Last year, the celebration was hosted in Pakistan with the theme, ‘Ecosystem Restoration.’ It started the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), the global goal to restore billions of hectares of land, from forests to farmlands, from the highest peaks to the deepest depths of the ocean.

But less talk about last year, any guesses what the theme is for this year?
Well, if you think about the protesting scientist telling us about we only have one earth, then you’re spot on!

The theme for this year’s world environment day is ‘Only One Earth.’ With the focus on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature”. The theme strives to foster global activism to protect our planet. In collaboration with the United Nations Environment Program, the event will then be held in Stockholm, Sweden.

Only One Earth

Why do we need a World Environment Day?

Now more than ever we need to act. No matter what the negationists say. Scientists around the world are clear. Climate change is real. And it is hapenning… as we speak actually. Biodiversity is at risk. Life on Earth is at risk. And guess, what? We, the human race, are at risk.

These eco days are great reminders. Our own survival is at stake. What are you going to be doing about it? It is true that there are so many problems out there that it might seem daunting or overwhelming to decide where to start. But our advice is just to start doing small changes. Over time, they will be not so small.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead


The greatest danger to our future is apathy.

Jane Goodall

So, How much do you know about our world’s environment?

Here at Goshopia, we do not just promote slow fashion, and sustainability, but also social awareness to everyone. And so we have prepared a cool quiz, for you to take and see how much do you know about our Earth’s environment. Are you ready?

Our intention is that once you know…. you feel the urge to take action. Please share it with your family and friends.

And don’t forget…

There are billions of galaxies in the universe.

There are billions of planets in our galaxy.

However, there is only one Earth.

And Earth is our only Home.

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