Some of you might know that today the 5th of June is World Environment Day and this year the event is hosted between two countries: Colombia and Germany. You can take part in the activities and events in this link.

This year´s theme is celebrating Biodiversity and it becomes even more important due to COVID-19.  Why? Taking into account that scientists have been warning us for so long about how the destruction of ecosystems impacts our health and our quality of life, it is no wonder. Some blame the poor pangolins, some blame the bats… I blame us.

By destroying wild habitats, we are not only affecting the delicate balance that Nature has put in place but also getting in touch with species that might bring diseases to us inadvertently. Polluting water, air, and soil is not only going to affect fauna and flora but also us, humans. Why something that is so obvious is not considered is beyond my understanding.

Yet, here we are, suffering a global pandemic. A crisis within a bigger crisis we tend to forget. Life is so precious. We haven’t been able to find life in space as rich and diverse as we have on Earth. And instead of protecting it, cherishing it and connect with it, we do quite the opposite. There is room for every species because we are to live in balance in Nature. That is the issue with us… How do we keep the balance when our human greed just wants more and more of the natural resources yet brings back very little?

I’m sorry, but all this makes me angry. It deeply upsets me. And fashion, as one of the most pollutant human activities plays a big role. How we are producing the raw materials, how we are transforming them, and how we are disposing of them once their lifecycle is finished is key. We can talk about cotton and the very intense use of chemicals and fertilizers that leak into the water. Not only that, but it is also such a thirsty crop that is quite literally drinking up the Aral Sea. People will go thirsty because cotton is taking their natural resources.

We could talk about leather, even taking it as a by-product of the food industry, if the tanning process involves Chrome, that leather will hold the heavy metals not only while we are using them, but also when we are ready to dispose of them. The leather will biodegrade and leak the chrome into the soil.

The Earth can take a certain amount of mess, but we are reaching levels when the word “unsustainable” needs to come up again and again. I am sure and hopeful that if we all do our best, we can change the downward spiral pattern. You might go vegan one day per week, you might start recycling, you might avoid buying items with excessive packaging, you might want to start buying fashion with a consciousness. Whatever way you decide to go, we will be happy to be part of your journey. Don’t feel overwhelmed. Becoming more sustainable is a transition and you can do it by taking baby steps. Every little effort counts.


A friend in Bahrain is celebrating biodiversity by sharing how people are recycling. So if you have pictures of yourself recycling, send them over here with your location and she will add a flag to your location. It is a small gesture that can raise a wave of awareness.

Now more than ever IT IS TIME FOR NATURE!

Goshopia sustainable fashion magazine

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Light Blue Kathmandu Tank Top

Original price was: 99.81$.Current price is: 50.41$.
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  • EUR: €48,43

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Anna Macrame Dress

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Navy Blue Cashmere Vilnius Beanie

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  • EUR: €76,52

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Slim Vegan Wallet – Dark Brown

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