
Bags have been my obsession for years. Not many of you might know it but I actually studied to become a handbag designer back in the day. I love everything about bags... the architecture, the functionality, the materials, how people wear them, and how people create them... and I hope all this translates into a very curated selection of the best sustainable handbags in the world. [read more] Where I am from - Spain- there are whole areas that solely dedicate themselves to creating bags and shoes. It is part of our tradition. It is part of our heritage. There are artisans that do such amazing pieces of art. In my humble opinion, we should never allow these traditional techniques to be replaced by mechanical dancing machines. These artisans represent for me the respect for the material, for the customer, the love for a work well done, with care and making sure every little detail is simply amazing. They are slow handbag artisans. They might stitch, weave, or knot. Trust me, their skills will leave you in awe. And thanks to your purchase they can keep their lifestyle and perpetuate their craft. In our selection, you can find organic materials used to create sustainable handbags like vegetable-tanned leather, natural dyed raffia, cotton, even reclaimed wood. But also synthetic materials like recycled fishing nets, Pinatex, or durable microfiber. Sustainability has many angles. So, whatever is your choice just make sure you buy what you need and you use it often. [/read] Araceli

Showing all 2 results

Rectangular Lotus Bag


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Elevate your style with our stunning handbag, expertly woven from lotus straw and adorned with elegant green stripes. This eco-friendly accessory seamlessly blends natural materials…
Sold By: The Conscious Fashion

Semicircular Lotus Bag


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Discover the perfect blend of sustainability and style with our handcrafted lotus straw handbag. Featuring striking red stripes woven into the natural straw, this eco-friendly…
Sold By: The Conscious Fashion